Purpose of the membership of employers' organizations to the DAIP system via the nature of the positions occupied and the type of difficulties encountered by the young graduates inserted

  • Idir KICHER جامعة بجاية (الجزائر)
الكلمات المفتاحية: employer organisms, DAIP system, young graduates inserted, positions held, encountered difficulties, guarantee of succession, transfer of knowledge between generations


The position of employment in Algeria has been shaped by different factors, for instance; the unemployment of university graduates and other graduates from colleges and institutes. In fact, due to the generalization of the teaching- learning policy at university; there has been an emergence of a great number of heterogeneous graduates looking for employment. Actually, the economic context, in Algeria, is unable to face and enroll all applicants because some streams are not necessarily looked for by employers and recruiting companies. That’s why many university graduates suffer from redundancy, these include (historians, psychologists, sociologists…etc). It’s obvious that there is a gap between the training policy and the real needs of the economic sector in terms of skills and savoir-faire in general; this is why some companies complain about the lack of qualified staff. So as to satisfy their economic needs, the leaders of those companies don’t hesitate to get in touch with some employment service agencies such as ANEM (in charge of directing the DAIP system). This case study aims to answer and find out the purpose behind joining this employment device by those companies. Is it aimed at economic revival and succession? Or finding a new generation of workers, company leaders’ through transmitting knowledge and savoir-faire? Or is it simply to avoid extra charges related to adaptation of new workers? 


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كيفية الاقتباس
KICHER, I. (2020). Purpose of the membership of employers’ organizations to the DAIP system via the nature of the positions occupied and the type of difficulties encountered by the young graduates inserted. مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية, 14(1), 272-288. https://doi.org/10.34118/ssj.v14i1.995