The role of the Algerian written press in developing political and cultural awareness of Algerian society in the colonial period An analytical study of the contents of Al-Basayer newspaper from 1949 to 1954

  • khawla BAHRI University of Algiers 3 (Algeria)
Keywords: The written press, political awareness, cultural awareness


This study came in order to shed light on the role played by the newspaper Al-Basayer in the colonial period, and about the ability of this newspaper to spread political awareness among readers and its attempt through what it provides of media contents rejecting the colonial entity and preserving the cultural identity of Algerian society.

Therefore, we have tried through this study to access the method of media treatment of the newspaper Al-Basayer for political issues so that we reach the way through which political awareness was built for readers.


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How to Cite
BAHRI, khawla. (2021). The role of the Algerian written press in developing political and cultural awareness of Algerian society in the colonial period An analytical study of the contents of Al-Basayer newspaper from 1949 to 1954. Social Sciences Journal, 15(1), 62-74.