Health locus of control and health behavior in cancer patients

  • Chiraz TAOULMIT University of batna 1 (Algeria)
  • Soumia ALIOUA University of Setif 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: health locus of control, health behavior, cancer


This study aimed to detect the level of health behavior, and the type of health locus of control prevalent in the study sample, and the type of relationship between health locus of control and the health behavior, Then the differences in both health locus of control and health behavior due to gender, The purposive sample of This comparative correlative study consisted of 48 cancer patients who were randomly selected, and after ascertaining the symmetric characteristics of the scale. The results of the study show that the level of health behavior in the sample of cancer patients studied is high, so does their internal health locus of control, there is no correlation health locus of control and the health behavior, there are no statistically significant differences in the trend toward health locus of control and health behavior to gender change.


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How to Cite
TAOULMIT, C., & ALIOUA, S. (1). Health locus of control and health behavior in cancer patients. Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 153-169.