The functional health status of elderly people in Algeria: Between theoretical models and field applications

  • Karima BOUAZIZ University of Alger 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Functional health, Elderly people, Models, Applications


In its first part, our research paper aims to review some of the most important theoretical approaches, concepts and models that deal with the functional health status of the elderly and the determinants of it as one of the most used indicators for assessing the health status in the aging stage, as it is not only limited to detecting diseases, their nature, symptoms and development, but It extends to monitoring its results and effects on the lives of elderly people. In the second part of the work, we will apply some globally approved functional health measurement indicators on a sample of 376 elderly people aged 60 years and over in order to identify the degree of independence and the prevalence of disability and dependency among the elderly in the Algerian urban environment.


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How to Cite
BOUAZIZ, K. (2022). The functional health status of elderly people in Algeria: Between theoretical models and field applications. Social Sciences Journal, 16(2), 107-123.