Activation of psychological measurement and methods in the selection of staff and follow- up performance and compatibility in the institutions

  • Saliha LAZALI University of Khemis meliana (Algeria)
Keywords: Psychological measurement, calibration, selection and follow-up, psychological compatibility)


This study comes at revealing the importance of employing psychological
measurement and activating methods to select employees and follow -up their
performance with in institutions. And stand out the importance this choice be based on
objective methods .
So as not to fail institutions in achieving the goals sought by, and avoid the
psychological suffering of the employees through their lack of professional satisfaction
and psychological incompatibility, , One of the most important practical mechanisms
for these sound methods to avoid the ranking of items
And the importance of the ranking of items and standards in the selection and
follow-up of employees in the institutions, and this will not be done without the
construction of a tool to measure the sound selection of staff and this by analyzing the
content of the work to determine the suitability of the candidate's requirements with the


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How to Cite
LAZALI, S. (1). Activation of psychological measurement and methods in the selection of staff and follow- up performance and compatibility in the institutions. Social Sciences Journal, 12(1), 263-278. Retrieved from