Environment and sustainable development...no relation

  • Abida SABTI University of Biskra ( Algeria)
  • Saber BEGOUR University of Biskra ( Algeria)
Keywords: Development, resources, environment, sustainable development


Development developmental process that aims to satisfy the needs and desires of individuals,
the environment is the source that takes him the resources to achieve their goals, and therefore
requires the exploitation of environmental resources in a responsible manner consistent with the
capabilities to ensure continuity in the tender, and States when building a developmental its strategy
should not overlook the environmental dimension to ensure the achievement of its objectives.
Due to the importance of the environment element in the literature of sustainable development
as the latter designed to ensure the protection and preservation of the earth and they constitute the
basis that it was necessary to release the relationship between them? This is what we will try to
identify it in this paper


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How to Cite
SABTI, A., & BEGOUR, S. (1). Environment and sustainable development.no relation. Social Sciences Journal, 11(2), 101-112. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2734