Sociology of education: some concepts and theoretical foundations

  • Merouan L'MDABAR University of Marrakesh (Morocco)
Keywords: Sociology, education, theoretical foundations


The education subject constituted the most important problems that sociology attempted to address,
basing on many foundations and theoretical concepts. The sociologists founders like Emile
Durkheim and Karl Marx… are the most outstanding who’s tried to approach this subject… these
pioneers Sociologists contributions had formed the starting point of other intellectual works,
whether through providing criticisms to their attempts, or through developing their attempts and
presenting other theory and empirical models; In this context, we mention attempts of many
sociologists as Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Passeron, Raymond Boudon…, it must be pointed out
here that all this attempts and intellectual doctrines, has contributed to the enrichment of the
sociology of education and the related issues, as well as providing an understanding and various
analysis, which has a positive impact on developing the teaching and education issues


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How to Cite
L’MDABAR, M. (1). Sociology of education: some concepts and theoretical foundations. Social Sciences Journal, 11(1), 187-204. Retrieved from