Obstacles to Scientific Research in the Faculties of Education at Shaqra University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Soltan Nacer Saoud ARIFI Shaqra University (Saudi Arabia)
Keywords: Education, obstacles, research


The study aims to identify the obstacles of the scientific research in faculties of education at the
University of Shaqra in Saudi Arabia from the viewpoint of the faculty members. The study follows the
descriptive approach. The study sample consists of 218 faculty members. To achieve this goal, the
researcher develops a questionnaire consisting of 39 paragraphs which are distributed on five areas:
obstacles concerning the conditions of university work, obstacles related to the university administration,
obstacles related to devices and facilities needed for scientific research, the obstacles related to the material
and moral matters, and constraints related to the professional growth related to scientific research. The
results show that the estimates of faculty members of the level of scientific research barriers were high in all
areas. The results show the absence of statistically significant differences in the estimates of the faculty
members at the level of impediments to scientific research faculties of education at the University of Shaqra
attributed to the variables of academic rank and experience. In light of the results, the study recommend
that there is a nessecity to present necessary funds for faculty members to do research in the various fields
and the best researches should take awards annually. That can be done through the establishment of joint
funds to support scientific research and spending in it. And to provide research information rules as
additional university and office services, and a broad base of information in the academic department to be
used by teachers and graduate students as well.


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How to Cite
ARIFI, S. N. S. (1). Obstacles to Scientific Research in the Faculties of Education at Shaqra University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Social Sciences Journal, 9(5), 46-67. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2930