Local identity and the challenges of cultural globalization - reading from a sociocultural perspective -

  • Rihab MOKHTAR University of M'sila ( Algeria)
  • Sabrina BEGHZOU University of Khanechla ( Algeria)
Keywords: Identity, state, cultural globalization


the identity of the national state or country, as termed Has become, threatened in a
time of cultural globalization, as a result of the civilizational conflict waged by powerful
states in the era of globalization, and as mentioned by many researchers that the main
characteristics of the era of globalization on the economic level is control of the globalized
economy, which is located outside the scope of the nation-state in favor of multinational
corporations, and on the political level, the increasing influence of technocratic elites and
the decline of political elites, and the loose leadership of national sovereignty to the major
economic empires.
And on the level of cultural and media dominance of information and communication
revolution, and the spread of the western culture of consumption, the at all levels, and thus
the national identity becomes in front of challenges, notably to stick to exist and the
audience to achieve permanence and continuity, while keeping abreast of developments
without melting and yard in the culture of the other.


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How to Cite
MOKHTAR, R., & BEGHZOU, S. (1). Local identity and the challenges of cultural globalization - reading from a sociocultural perspective -. Social Sciences Journal, 9(1), 33-45. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2961