Functions of the popular proverb in the Auras region

  • Soumia FALEK University of Khenchla (Algeria)
Keywords: Popular memory, popular proverb, Auras region


Folk proverbs occupy a significant amount of popular memory as they are one of the most spoken expressive forms that deal with and express human experiences, and are the most common, so no culture is devoid of it. It is one of the forms whose topics are many and varied according to its circulation among individuals, so it is evoked by the popular mentality whenever there are reasons for that. Here, the importance of the popular proverb emerges when defining its role or function within society. Accordingly, the function of the popular proverb was defined in the following functions: educational, educational, moral, cultural, and social function

How to Cite
FALEK, S. (1). Functions of the popular proverb in the Auras region. Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 146-157. Retrieved from