Oral expression disorders in Broca aphasia following traffic accident: A case study of two patients speaking Kabyle

  • Nadia SAHRAOUI University of Tizi ouezou(Algeria)
  • Mourad NAHI University of Tizi ouezou(Algeria)
Keywords: Oral expression, Broca's aphasia, Traffic accidents, Adults speaking in Kabyle dialect


This research which is part of aphasiological studies, aims to evaluate the verbal expression of patient with a Broca aphasia and speaking Kabyle. Aphasia is a language disorder following a brain injury in left hemisphere". In order to relaize our objective, we opted to the clinical method so that could make a descriptive study of two Broca aphasic cases speaking Kabyle, whose ages ranged between 31 and 62 years at the Sidi Baloua Hospital in Tizi-Ouzou. And the use of the (ECLA) test to assess linguistic abilities of Aphasics designed by the researcher Haciane Mohamed in  (2015). After having analyzed the results obtained, the study confirmed that people with Broca's aphasia suffer from verbal expression disorders at the phonemic, phonological, morphological and grammatical levels, and that they also suffer from volitional automatic disintegration disorders.


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How to Cite
SAHRAOUI, N., & NAHI, M. (2023). Oral expression disorders in Broca aphasia following traffic accident: A case study of two patients speaking Kabyle. Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 257-266. https://doi.org/10.34118/ssj.v17i1.3195