Prevailing values in children's television programs - Animation as a model

  • Amel NOUARI University of Annaba (Algeria)
Keywords: Mainstream values, children's TV programmes, cartoons


Many questions come to our minds, including why do we write for children, what do we want from informing the child, and what are the goals that we seek to achieve, so values and morals must be instilled in the child, to be embodied in the form of behaviors later, and focus on developing a sense of national belonging in the child, and knowledge of his rights And his duties towards the society to which he belongs, the development of perception and knowledge, the development of his mental, linguistic and expressive abilities, and the preparation of the child for the future in building his personality socially, psychologically and mentally.


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How to Cite
NOUARI, A. (1). Prevailing values in children’s television programs - Animation as a model. Social Sciences Journal, 3(1), 37-43. Retrieved from