Suicide, its factors and its relationship to psychological stress and some personality variables among young people in the Algerian environment

  • Aziza ANNOU University of Alger 2 (Algeria)
  • Fatiha YAGOUB University of Alger 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Violence, disorders, society, nervous anxiety, depression, psychological stress


Suicide is a psychosocial phenomenon that is severe, self-destructive violence resulting from masochism, and it is an indication of deep disturbance and great suffering that threatens the life of the individual and society alike, considering that it is a phenomenon that has begun to spread. It is expanding, as its study has become more than necessary for survivaly The lives of young people are the asset of society and their path to development. From this standpoint, this psychological study was conducted, in which 300 males and 300 females attempted suicide at the Mustafa Pasha University Hospital in Algiers, and their ages ranged between 19-47 years.

In this study, we applied a special questionnaire to study the factors of suicide and a set of tests to measure personality variables, represented by the Rosemburg self-esteem scale, the A scale. u for neurotic anxiety, Beck hopelessness scale, stress perception scale, Beck depression scale.

The study concluded that there were psychological, family, social, and even religious factors that contributed to suicide attempts among sample members, in addition to the existence of correlational relationships between suicide attempts and psychological stress, and between suicide and the personality variables of self-esteem, anxiety, despair, and depression, which are statistically significant correlations at the 0.01 level.


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How to Cite
ANNOU, A., & YAGOUB, F. (1). Suicide, its factors and its relationship to psychological stress and some personality variables among young people in the Algerian environment . Social Sciences Journal, 18(2), 163-180. Retrieved from