"The impact of online advertisements on the stages of taking a decision to purchase computers for university youth in Hebron "

Keywords: advertisements, purchasing decisions, computers, university youth


The study aimed to identify the degree of the impact of online advertisements on the stages of taking a decision to purchase computers among university youth in Hebron. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, and the questionnaire was used as a tool to collect information from the study sample consisting of (410) University students in Hebron. The results indicated that there is a high impact of online advertising on the decision-making stages of purchasing computers. It also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the impact of online advertisements on the stages of taking the decision to buy computers due to variables: gender, academic year, while statistically significant differences were found according university and in favor of Q.O.U and Hebron University. The study came out with several recommendations: (Directing companies, importers, and commercial stores towards advertising via the Internet, as it reduces costs and effectively delivers information to the consumer).


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How to Cite
ELDJAMEL, S., ABOUCHERAR, N., & MESALMA, T. (2020). "The impact of online advertisements on the stages of taking a decision to purchase computers for university youth in Hebron ". Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 4(2), 51 - 73. https://doi.org/10.34118/jeemr.v4i2.2002
Original Article