The reality of the application of electronic management in the National Social Security Fund In Algeria

Keywords: Electronic management, information technology, Chifa card, national fund for social security.


This study aims to clarify the reality of the application of electronic management in the NSSF in Algeria, by relying on the descriptive approach in the theoretical side and the descriptive analytical approach in the applied side, as the study sample included 40 respondents from the heads of departments working at the level of the branches of NSSF in the state of Mila, And those charged with applying the Chifa card, and after statistical analysis of the respondents ’answers, the study concluded that there are multiple positive effects affecting the administrative side leading to raising the performance of the NSSF, the qualitative aspect of the services provided and the consequences Satisfaction to customers in the security and protection of information with a high degree, and alerted to the need to reflect the application of e-governance and the provision of equipment and human resources necessary to implement them NSSF.


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How to Cite
LOUADJ, M., & BOULREHAN, F. (2020). The reality of the application of electronic management in the National Social Security Fund In Algeria. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 4(2), 91 - 105.
Original Article