Modeling of the relationship between Empowerment and the organizational trust - National Social Insurance Fund in the city of Laghouat (Algeria)-

  • Bourezgue Oussama جامعة وهران 2
  • naidjate abdlhamid جامعة الاغواط
Keywords: Psychological Empowerment, organizational trust, National Social, Insurance Fund


This study aims at identifying the impact of Psychological Empowerment on the organizational trust, the study sample consisted of (165) Single from workers of National Social Insurance Fund  in the city of Laghouat (Algeria). The results of the study assured that there’s an impact for Psychological Empowerment on the organizational trust, The study concluded the following recommendations: Working interest in the development of the realization of the four dimensions of psychological empowerment, Especially Dimension of independence, By focusing on lower administrative levels Through ongoing training and Encouragement to take on responsibilities, In addition to the motivation; Encourage organizational trust For workers Through communication development Especially Between senior management and employees at lower levels, In addition to the involvement of employees and providing a favorable environment.


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How to Cite
Oussama , B., & abdlhamid , naidjate. (2020). Modeling of the relationship between Empowerment and the organizational trust - National Social Insurance Fund in the city of Laghouat (Algeria)-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 4(2), 141-160.
Original Article