The Impact Of Brand image On Consumer Adoption Decision Of New cosmetic Products “stretching brand of “ DIOR” In Laghouat City

  • timaoui abdelmadjid جامعة غرداية
  • bessaoud meriem manel جامعة غرداية
Keywords: The Brand, The mental brand image, The adoption of new product’s Decision


This study aims to highlight the role of the brand's mental image through her dimensions (knowledge, reputation, trust, expectations) in the adoption of new products DIOR cosmetic brand when expanding, so we have distributed 60 questionnaires to the brand’s users in Laghouat city, the data was analyzed by the statistical program (SPSS v21).

 The results shows that the Dior's mental image brand influences the consumer’s adoption of the new product represented by the’ handbag’, although it is not a beauty product, Also results proved the different effects of the mental image’s dimensions on the adoption decision, as the dimension of consumer confidence in the brand which influenced the decision of the new product adopt.


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How to Cite
abdelmadjid, timaoui, & meriem manel, bessaoud. (2021). The Impact Of Brand image On Consumer Adoption Decision Of New cosmetic Products “stretching brand of “ DIOR” In Laghouat City. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 93-107.
Original Article