The impact of industrial handling in the development of Algerian small and medium enterprises,Case Study of the)chiali tubes( , SIDI BEL ABBES

  • mebsout abdelkader جامعة سيدي بلعباس
  • elhouari djemal جامعة سيدي بلعباس
  • mebsout houaria جامعة عين تموشنت
Keywords: ndustrialhandling, Small and Medium Enterprises, Jus Institution, Handling Institution


This research proposal aims to know the effectiveness and contribution of industrial handling in the up grading institutions, small and medium enterprises is considered as the main engine of the economies, but in Algeria they suffer from several problems and difficulties impeding their development and progress, the strategic choice to promote this sector. The results of the handling reflect positively on the small and medium enterprises active handling in the market in order to acquire knowledgeskills, indoctrinationto increase the financial of industrial Enterprises whether large, small or medium, and the cooperative relationship between them, which in the future will become a partnership between the contracting parties.Key words:Industrial handling, Small and Medium Enterprises, Jus Institution, Handling Institution.


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How to Cite
abdelkader, mebsout, djemal, elhouari, & houaria, mebsout. (2021). The impact of industrial handling in the development of Algerian small and medium enterprises,Case Study of the)chiali tubes( , SIDI BEL ABBES. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 129-147.
Original Article