The importance of using the Principal Components method ACP in solving the problem of Multicollinearity of independent statistical variables - An applied study on the financial statements of borrowing institutions at the External Bank of Algeria BEA M'sil

  • fakhari farouk جامعة الجزائر 3
Keywords: Principal Components Analysis, Linear regression, Multicollinearity, Independent variables, Banks


The aim of this study is to address the important problem of constructing statistical models, It is related to the problem of the existence of Multicollinearity between the independent variables used in the interpretation and prediction of the various phenomena studied and proposing the method of Principal Components Analysis (ACP) as a solution.

The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the method of Principal Components Analysis can overcome the problem of Multicollinearity of the independent variables used in the study, which was positively reflected on improving the statistical morale of the variables resulting from the results of applying the Principal Components Analysis method and its statistical acceptance.


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How to Cite
farouk, fakhari. (2021). The importance of using the Principal Components method ACP in solving the problem of Multicollinearity of independent statistical variables - An applied study on the financial statements of borrowing institutions at the External Bank of Algeria BEA M’sil. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 165-184.
Original Article