Target costing as an advanced alternative method for analyzing and reducing costs

  • mohamed essedik fodil جامعة البليدة
Keywords: targeted profit, targeted price, target cost, reducing cost


the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the concepts of target costing as a system and method, in the strategic management of costs and profits, for taking the best administration decisions, principally reducing cost decision. And as an approach in planning and conceptualization phases to dominate costs.

 The study resulted by highlighting the effectiveness of the target costing system in determining the competitive price in the market, and the characteristics of the product requested by clients, and to determining the targeted cost for producing a new unit in order to make a good decision to reduce costs before beginning production. The study highlighted also the method of application  the target costing  system within the SIM company and its effectiveness in reducing costs. 

. The target costing system has many pros, but also some drawbacks, the most important of which is the degree of pressure on employees, and the dilemma of setting the right targeted cost and its main hypotheses .


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How to Cite
fodil, mohamed essedik. (2021). Target costing as an advanced alternative method for analyzing and reducing costs. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 259-277.
Original Article