The future of the HR function in the Algerian economic context : a prospective vision

  • Mohammed El Amine MECHEROUR Université de Mascara
  • Ishaq HACINI Université de Mascara
Keywords: HR function, Methodology of prospective, Actor, Economic enterprise


The study aims to explore the direction of the HR function in the future in the Algerian economic context. The study sample included 20 actors in HRM (including 16 HR directors and RRH practicing in economic enterprises in the west of Algeria and 04 academic experts in HRM).

The methodology applied in this study is the business prospective approach (Scouarnec and Boyer, 2002). Data were collected using interviews and a two-phase prospective questionnaire. Data were analyzed and processed using the Mactor method (Actors, Objectives, Power Relations), which is one of the most important methodology in prospective studies.

After data analysis the study detect the existence of a strong future consensus between the academic experts and most HRM practitioners about the necessity to develop the function of HR in the Algerian economic context focussing on the competencies and skills.


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How to Cite
MECHEROUR , M. E. A., & HACINI , I. (2021). The future of the HR function in the Algerian economic context : a prospective vision . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 397-416.
Original Article