Designing and Developing a Future Dashboard in Public Economic Institutions: The Electricity and Gas Distribution Corporation in Mascara as a Case Study

  • moutassem dahou جامعة مصطفى اسطمبولي، معسكر
  • abderrahmen amer جامعة مصطفى اسطمبولي، معسكر
Keywords: dashboard, management control, performance, indicators


The dashboard is a command and control tool that allows organizations to improve management control mechanisms and measure performance. This is because it provides real-time information that allows decision makers to adjust their decisions in a timely manner.

The following research paper aims to show the role of adopting this tool in the Electricity and Gas Distribution Corporation of Mascara city as a model for highlighting the features of the dashboard in this type of institutions. This study concluded that the dashboard is one of the most important tools approved by the Electricity and Gas Distribution Corporation for Mascara city to improve the management control process. It provided a complete picture of the effectiveness of the management methods used in the institution, and also allowed showing the percentages of deviations that were interpreted and corrected.


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How to Cite
dahou, moutassem, & amer, abderrahmen. (2022). Designing and Developing a Future Dashboard in Public Economic Institutions: The Electricity and Gas Distribution Corporation in Mascara as a Case Study . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 181-200.
Original Article