Organization of the institution by integrating the environmental dimension - the case of the pharmaceutical sector institutions in Algeria

  • mia dounia Harafa جامعة الجزائر 3
  • akila sadouki جامعة الجزائر 3
Keywords: social responsibility, environmental responsibility, environmental management system, pharmaceutical sector, SAIDAL


This descriptive study aims to highlight the pivotal role played by the integration of the environmental dimension in the organization of the institution, what we call the environmental management system, achieving a balance between its economic and social (environmental) responsibility. of liquid and solid waste and air emissions dangerous to the environment, and at the head of these institutions is the pioneer of the pharmaceutical industry in Algeria, the Saidal Group, which put the environment at the center of its concerns.

 It has been found from this study that the success of the success of the institution depends on its social responsibility in general and in particular the integration of the environmental dimension. A department or organizational unit is assigned to this aspect. And the necessity of a formal launch of the Environmental Management System with the establishment of a leadership committee for this system.


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How to Cite
Harafa, mia dounia, & sadouki, akila. (2022). Organization of the institution by integrating the environmental dimension - the case of the pharmaceutical sector institutions in Algeria. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 214-256.
Original Article