The role of availability of management information systems components in improving institutional performance in Yemeni telecom companies

  • moahamed hassan salem almamary جامعة العلوم الحديثة
  • Abdou Noaaman alsharif الاكاديمية اليمنية للدراسات العليا
  • yaser almamary جامعة حائل
  • mohammed abdelrrab alsinoui كلية المجتمع في قطر
Keywords: management information systems, institutional performance, Yemen Mobile Company, Yemen


The study aims to identify the role of availability of the elements of management information systems in improving performance in Yemen Mobile.

  The study sample was selected using the simple random sampling method. The study sample consisted of (217) employees of Yemen Mobile Company. The data was analyzed using a set of appropriate statistical methods within the Social Statistical Software Package (SPSS).

  The study concluded with a set of recommendations, including the need to develop the necessary strategic plans to prepare and train the company's leaders, and to enhance reliance on these trained and transformational leaders with clear visions.


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How to Cite
almamary, moahamed hassan salem, alsharif, A. N., almamary, yaser, & alsinoui, mohammed abdelrrab. (2022). The role of availability of management information systems components in improving institutional performance in Yemeni telecom companies. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 13-46.
Original Article