The Impact of Financial Discipline on Monetary and Fiscal Policies (Algeria case Study from 1990-2019)

  • salim boukhabia جامعة مصطفى اسطنبولي -معسكر
  • hbib guenouni جامعة مصطفى اسطنبولي -معسكر
Keywords: Monetary policy, fiscal policy, Algeria, fiscal discipline


The This research aims to study many knowledge bases, and then draw a hypothesis about fiscal discipline and this by showing the impact of fiscal discipline on both fiscal and monetary policies and the economic goals it achieves as well as the pursuit of economic growth and development in general. One hypothesis is that fiscal discipline can affect both monetary and fiscal policy, in a way  that  helps achieve economic development. To achieve the objectives of the research and test the hypothesis, it relied on descriptive analysis to track and investigate its material, moreover a statistical approach was applied using Algeria's time series from (1990-2019), to draw conclusions and indicate the impact of fiscal discipline on fiscal and monetary policies.

      The most important conclusion was that under fiscal discipline total expenditure did not exceed the limits stipulated in the general budget of the state. Moreover, the fiscal deficit does not exceed a specific percentage of GDP and therefore fiscal spending remains within the capabilities and resources available to the state, and the research also concluded that fiscal discipline can affect fiscal and monetary policies in a form that achieves economic goals.


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How to Cite
boukhabia, salim, & guenouni, hbib. (2022). The Impact of Financial Discipline on Monetary and Fiscal Policies (Algeria case Study from 1990-2019). Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 117-132.
Original Article