The State of Food Security in Algeria: An Analytical Comparative Study of Key Indicators

  • nassiba maouagl جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي-جيجل
  • zinelabidine touidjeni جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي-جيجل
  • zinelabidine touidjeni جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي-جيجل
Keywords: Food Security, Abundance, Stability, Access, Algeria


This scientific paper aims to discuss models for evaluating food security, and intend to assess key indicators reflecting the state of food security in Algeria compared to similar countries. The study revealed that heavy dependence on food imports is a critical issue threatening food security in Algeria, especially amidst price and production fluctuations in the international food market, and potential political, security, and health crises. The study also demonstrated that the increase in the average monthly net income of Algerian workers during the period (2009-2019) responded to the rise in food prices. Food expenses constitute a significant portion of total household expenditures for Algerian families. However, Algeria's social support policy for food prices doesn't effectively aid limited-income individuals, primarily benefiting undeserving groups. Algerians receive a weak average share of non-starchy foods compared to other Mediterranean countries, raising health concerns.


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How to Cite
maouagl, nassiba, touidjeni, zinelabidine, & touidjeni, zinelabidine. (2024). The State of Food Security in Algeria: An Analytical Comparative Study of Key Indicators. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(2), 65-84.
Original Article