The impact oh the prices of islamic financial products on the demand for them in Algeeien banks-A field Study-

  • rabab ferroudj جامعة وهران2
  • miloud mehdi جامعة وهران2
Keywords: Islamic banks, Islamic windows, price, demand, funding periods


This study  aims to identify the impact of price and financing term on the demand for Islamic financial products in Islamic banks and Islamic banking windows in Algeria. The standard and analytical method was used to conduct this study by distributing a questionnaire to the customers of banks that offer Shari'ah-compliant products.

When testing the research hypotheses , result wer reched results found that the demand is primarily influenced by prices, followed by financing periods, which shows that there is a direct relationship between demand and the two variables of price and financing periods, so the bank that offers Sharia-compliant products must set appropriate prices under the supervision of a Sharia supervisory body and divide the financing periods accurately to be in line with each project


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How to Cite
ferroudj, rabab, & mehdi, miloud. (2024). The impact oh the prices of islamic financial products on the demand for them in Algeeien banks-A field Study-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 8(1), 85-101.
Original Article