The Impact of Metaverse on the Future of Advertising Industry

  • Moadh mimoune المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف ميلة
  • saoussen bouzida جامعة عبد الحميد مهري قسنطينة 02
Keywords: Metaverse, Advertising, Marketing, Virtual Reality, Immersive Technologies


The advertising industry has always been quick to embrace new technological trends. Today, Metaverse once again begins a new era. Thus, this research paper aims to understand and analyse the its potential impact on the advertising industry by presenting the experiences of some important global fashion brands.

    The study concluded that Metaverse will have a significant contribution to the advertising industry and will bring about radical changes, as it contains immersive technologies and applications that can be employed to enhance the power of advertising campaigns.    


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How to Cite
mimoune, M., & bouzida, saoussen. (2024). The Impact of Metaverse on the Future of Advertising Industry . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 8(1), 103-120.
Original Article