Theoretical approach in marketing human resources
Not exceeding 250 words (size 12) Times New Roman In view of developments in human resources management in the current century and the consequent commitments and burdens on the business organization to cope with these developments, the traditional methods used in human resources management no longer serve the expected purpose. Which was launched from internal marketing to the adoption of human resource marketing by human resources managers, a concept that has received considerable attention in The literature of contemporary administrative thought if it becomes necessary to interact with the management of human materials to achieve the success of the institution and distinguished from this point came this paper for the theoretical rooting of the marketing of human resources through the spotlight(Internal marketing, social marketing, marketing of human resources... .(
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- --رابط الإنترنيت يوم 18/02/2018 على الساعة 20:18 marketing des ressources humaines
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20:18 https://www.definitions
--رابط الإنترنيت يوم 18/02/2018 على الساعة 20:27 .