The role of e-marketing in supporting enterprise promotional efforts

  • Abdelkader Bellakhdar Laghouat University
Keywords: E-marketing, promotional efforts, aspirations and desires of consumers


The study aimed mainly to talk about the subject of electronic marketing, which has become the most characteristic of commercial and economic transactions in our time, this type of marketing is based on the exploitation of the transfer and distribution of marketing information through the Internet and through the use of social media, which have become an integral part of the lives of consumers, allowing them to quickly and easily diagnose products and services at the lowest possible cost, and also allowing them to identify products and services from all parts around the world, in the purpose of enhancing the value and benefit that organizations can get in return.


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How to Cite
Bellakhdar, A. (2019). The role of e-marketing in supporting enterprise promotional efforts. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 3(1), 129-147.
Original Article