Elements of Reflection on the Organization's Strategic Assets

  • Farid SADAOUI Université de Ghardaïa
  • Tahar MAKHLOUFI Université Ammar Thelidji Laghouat
  • Youcef KHENNICHE Université Ammar Thelidji Laghouat
Keywords: strategic asset, intangible capital, competitive advantage, value measurement


Strategic assets are an integral part of the organization's intangible capital. They allow, due to their development, to obtain certain competitive advantages. Competitors do not have them because of the difficulty of imitation, substitutability or exchange. Subsequently, it is important to carry out the management and valuation of the company by this category of assets in order to increase its overall value reflected in the balance sheet and the creation of value. There are several methods of measuring the extra-financial and financial value of the organization, including the one recommended by Thesaurus Bercy.


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How to Cite
SADAOUI , F., MAKHLOUFI , T., & KHENNICHE , Y. (2021). Elements of Reflection on the Organization’s Strategic Assets. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 463-478. https://doi.org/10.34118/jeemr.v5i1.2058
Original Article