Domestic investment in Algeria: standard study (1980-2020)

  • Ziad bouazza جامعة يحي فارس بالمدية
Keywords: domestic investment, Gross fixed capital formation, ARDL model, Algerian economy


The objective of this study is to discuss the combined effects of a number of economic factors that hinder the gross fixed capital formation rates in Algeria for the period 1980-2020, using the ARDL model.  The results showed a long and short term balance between study variables, And that GDP was the main factor influencing gross fixed capital  formation in the long and short term, in light of the results obtained from this study, We propose the most important recommendation, which is to confirm the investment that develops wealth and creates capital accumulation, and not on that investment that results in the creation of job opportunities and the continuity of life and the reduction of unproductive investments that are not characterized by permanence and continuity


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How to Cite
bouazza, Z. (2022). Domestic investment in Algeria: standard study (1980-2020) . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 453-468.
Original Article