Intercultural Obstacles Within a Multicultural Workplace Case Study:A Group of Egyptian Companies

  • Mohamed Tahar Seddik Attia PERMANAN Laboratory, HEC Alger
  • Nesrine Boucha PERMANAN Laboratory, HEC Alger


This study was put to examine the different intercultural obstacles that are occurring in a multicultural workplace, as establishing a work environment along with individuals coming from several aspects of the globe stimulates a variety of cultural obstacles that give the managers an urgent requirement to think about their staff members’ cultural backgrounds, and incite the workers to get adapted to various perspectives on what things look like when they interact with their managers.

On this basis, we focused on only three main variables: time, gender equity, as well as, customs and traditions, which in turn are able actually to create the root of intercultural difficulties. After conducting a survey addressed to employees, and interviewing the managers, the three variables are found to be significant factors in a multicultural workplace. However, their impact importance is varied.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Attia , M. T. S., & Boucha , N. (2023). Intercultural Obstacles Within a Multicultural Workplace Case Study:A Group of Egyptian Companies. مجلة الامتياز لبحــوث الاقتصاد والادارة, 7(1), 297-312.
Original Article