Innovation in packaging and its effective role in creating the competitive advantage of the product: the case of the "Rami" brand product as a model.

  • Ilham Benmansour Tlemcen University
Keywords: innovation, packaging, consumer, competitive advantage


           The study aims at measuring the contribution of innovation in the packaging and packaging of the product to the achievement of competitive advantage. The study of the case of the consumers of the product "Rami". The innovation methods adopted by the institution were innovation in packaging and packaging materials, innovation in sizes and innovation in packaging, And the sample of the sample was 100 samples. A total of 85 valid questionnaires were retrieved to test the hypothesis of the study and achieve its objectives for the statistical analysis. The statistical package program SPSS The researcher found to have a statistically significant impact of innovation in the packaging to achieve the competitive advantage of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Benmansour, I. (2018). Innovation in packaging and its effective role in creating the competitive advantage of the product: the case of the "Rami" brand product as a model. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(02), 66-80.
Original Article