Investment funds as a mechanism to support Islamic banking activity -Al-Rajhi bank funds as a model-

  • boudache siham جامعة البليدة
  • bouharb hakim جامعة البليدة
Keywords: Islamic investment funds, Islamic banks, Islamic financial industry


This study is designed to highlight the importance of funds Islamic Investment In support and activating Islamic banking activity, by highlighting the mutual need between Islamic Investment funds and Islamic banks, referring to the experience of the investment funds of the Rajhi Bank, Saudi Arabia is a leader in the field of Islamic Financial Industry, and the Bank of Rajhi from the largest Islamic banks in the world.

     Through the study, several results were reached that these investment vesicles despite their development were able to support Islamic activity, including the advantages of the most important capacity to mobilize and attract savings, and achieve more profit with lowest risk.


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How to Cite
siham, boudache, & hakim, bouharb. (2021). Investment funds as a mechanism to support Islamic banking activity -Al-Rajhi bank funds as a model-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 37-54.
Original Article