The relationship of business incubators with achieving and improving competitiveness in light of economic development - Case Study -

  • mohammed chettouh جامعة الجلفة
Keywords: business incubators, competitive capabilities, competitiveness, leading businesses


This study aimed to identify the relationship of business incubators for enterprises to achieve and improve competitiveness, which has become an important driver for countries, especially developing ones, to adopt this new thinking in activating and supporting industries and projects of a nature related to the local environment, to meet the challenges of globalization and achieve growth Economic.

Business incubators are considered one of the most important mechanisms of technological development in terms of their superior ability to develop and modernize production processes faster and at a much lower cost, which works to supply these large industries with what they need in a way that allows the use of local technologies and raise their level through contact with foreign markets and quality laws.

 A questionnaire was used for the purpose of data collection, and the questionnaire data was analyzed, based on (SPSS VERSIO 22), that there is a positive role for the success of business incubators for institutions through criteria (incubator advisor or manager - community support - selection of incubator projects - access to funding - creation Chances of success - evaluation and continuous improvement) in achieving and improving competitive capabilities


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How to Cite
chettouh, mohammed. (2022). The relationship of business incubators with achieving and improving competitiveness in light of economic development - Case Study -. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 107-124.
Original Article