An evaluation study of the globalization composite indicators between the measurement methodology and procedures.

  • Mokhtar Renana Laghouat University
  • Omar Metiji Laghouat University
Keywords: globalization, globalization dimensions, globalization measurement


Researchers in various disciplines are interested in phenomena of Globalization. Economists are not far from this subject because of its great impact on economic variables. This study aims to evaluate most important indicators that measures globalization, especially the composite indicators. We took the definition of globalization, their dimensions and most important indicators of measurement. The study found that all indicators found difficulty to distinguish between globalization and internationalization, and that the differences between the indicators are mainly due to the methodology in the variables selection.


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How to Cite
Renana , M., & Metiji , O. (2018). An evaluation study of the globalization composite indicators between the measurement methodology and procedures. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(01), 232-245.
Original Article