Orientation of Algerian institutions towards applying the concept of the learning organization -Case study of Algeria Telecom Corporation-

  • taha madani Touiher جامعة قاصدي مرباح-ورقلة
  • Abdelallah mrezague جامعة زيان عاشور-الجلفة
Keywords: Learning, knowledge, Organizational structure, Techniques, Learning organization,


This study aimed to identify the level of orientation of Algerian institutions towards applying the concept of the learning organization, Through a field study that included a sample of individuals working in Algeria Telecom, The descriptive approach was relied upon by preparing and developing a questionnaire, The analysis was based on the statistical program (SPSS), the most important result of this study is the presence of a high level of humanity factors (orientation towards learning, individual characteristics, knowledge sharing), and physical factors(structural flexibility, techniques used), and the existence of a significant impact of the human factors on the physical factors, which allows the application the concept of the learning organization, The most recommendations is:the need to adopt an open door policy by increasing periodic meetings with various employees to identify their problems, and share the knowledge.


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How to Cite
Touiher, taha madani, & mrezague, A. (2023). Orientation of Algerian institutions towards applying the concept of the learning organization -Case study of Algeria Telecom Corporation- . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(1), 117-136. https://doi.org/10.34118/jeemr.v7i1.3624
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