Cash flow and the management of revenue and risk case study of tebessa cement corporation SCT

  • Nawel Bahi Souk Ahras University
  • Farid Aimene Souk Ahras University
  • Said Meziane Souk Ahras University
Keywords: Profitability, Risk, Cash flow, The need for working capital


This study aims at shedding light on the role played by the cash flow management in the balance between achieving the highest levels of return and minimizing the risks associated with it through analyzing and measuring both the cost and the risk, and then to drop this study on the practical reality of the Tebessa Cement Foundation. The study found that the institution can achieve the highest levels of profitability and minimize risks through good management of the elements of the need in working capital, financing deficit under the best possible conditions, in addition to keeping the institution an optimal amount of cash, which can't keep Excess surpluses lead to hidden costs in the form of lost opportunities


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How to Cite
Bahi, N., Aimene , F., & Meziane , S. (2018). Cash flow and the management of revenue and risk case study of tebessa cement corporation SCT . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(02), 134-154.
Original Article