Contribution Academic counseling Represented in Indicative quotas at Performance of undergraduate students for the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity According to Super

  • Hadj KADOURI University of Ouragla (Algeria)
  • Amhamed KADOURI University of Adrar (Algeria)
Keywords: Psychological counseling, Indicative quotas, professional maturity, Super Theory


The present study aimed  To search About  To what extent Contribution Academic counseling Represented in Indicative quotas at Performance of undergraduate students  For the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity According to Super Theory and we followed the descriptive approach To research the aspects the study Which Applied with150 students  And To collect data A questionnaire was designed for this purpose and After statistical analysis For data We have reached the following conclusions :  Academic counseling Contributes at Performance of undergraduate students  For the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity There were no differences in that  between the study sample students according to gender, specialization and level


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How to Cite
KADOURI, H., & KADOURI, A. (2021). Contribution Academic counseling Represented in Indicative quotas at Performance of undergraduate students for the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity According to Super. Social Sciences Journal, 15(3(Special), 58-68.