The effect of academic counseling in achieving educational attainment and determining professional options
Enormous numbers of students are enrolled every year to universities for the first time, leaving us a school system and educational curricula written and used to enter a new world for them, from the beginning of the success of the student in the baccalaureate degree you find him in the confusion and many questions His difficulties is his choice of specialty that suits him In addition to his entry to the university, which puts him in front of many new problems and experiences that require him to pass and face and adapt to them, such as identifying the regulations and regulations of the university and the choice of specialization and adaptation, professional selection and preparation for the future profession and knowledge of even the requirements of the labor market, especially as the university gives She demanded greater freedom and greater responsibility unlike school, | Most of the Arab universities have built academic guidance units in their colleges, but it is different in Algerian universities, despite the availability of specialized competencies in this field and the importance and role of academic guidance in the system. Under this paper, we seek to answer the following question: How does academic counseling affect a student's academic achievement and career choices?
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