Regulations and ethics for using the academic advisor for psychological and educational tests and standards
Measurement and diagnosis are a visible dimension of the academic advisory process, and the academic advisor realizes that there are an endless number of methods and procedures for discovering the apparent and hidden features of the mentor. Academic advisors adapt assessment and diagnostic procedures to satisfy the renewed and unique needs of the mentor.
Academic counselors use tests and measures to help the next guide to integrate into less threatening means of self-disclosure and to adapt the test procedures to conform with issues arising from diversity, and the advisor needs to use research and prepare and build standards to detect those who are predisposed to developing psychological behavioral disorders and this falls within the framework of The advisory plan within the university as a preventive path, unlike the traditional one, in which all students at the university are guided and it is general and comprehensive guidance, but the optimal application of such tests requires full awareness of the rules, ethics and scientific conditions that must be adhered to produce correct results.
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