Caveats from the dangers of excessive use of information, and the legitimacy of censorship and prevention given the educational and media as a model
Interest in informatics in the field of communication emerged, remarkably, in the late twentieth century, and increased at a rapid pace that pushes media institutions and educational systems to race in absorbing technological developments, and employing informatics in all areas of institutional life, in order to raise communication performance in general and the level of pedagogical communication in education. In particular, from the level of fulfillment of needs, to the level of achieving pleasure in satisfying educational needs, and to the level of preparing educational, educational and media institutions for what is believed to be the inevitable challenges of globalization, to accommodate the requirements of knowledge societies, which are post-industrial societies, which, as it is supposed, have begun since A time in the formation and creation of virtual groups and institutions. Despite the consensus of all that information technology provides institutions and individuals in educational, media and social communication with the finest forms of communication and interaction, and despite the consensus of specialists that institutions should keep pace with technological developments and provide generations with future experience, some studies have identified some negatives in the case of excessive use of information technology. It touches the humanity, intelligence, morals, centrality of existence and control over technology itself. It also affects societies - in the case of excessive international integration of the market - in their culture and identity, and hence this scientific article comes to highlight:
1 The importance of informatics in human communication in general and pedagogical communication in education (teaching) in particular.
2 Alert to the warnings issued by researchers from excessive use and focus on pleasure resulting from desire.
3 The legality of control and prevention of potential harm from excessive use of electronic communication.
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