The educational system from the approach by objectives to the approach with competencies between theory and practice in light of technological developments
The study seeks to analyze and evaluate scientific developments that in turn contribute to investment in human capital, and the first investment is in the educational system for its important role in the life of societies, as it has received continuous, renewed reforms and new approaches, whether in teaching methods and methods, curricula, teaching methods, formation and training of the teaching staff. Or the integration of information technology or approaches, and the study aimed to reach what theorists have reached in terms of an approach in which the learner was merely a recipient of knowledge to a party in the educational learning process according to the approach with competencies by solving problems, teamwork and project completion. As a result, the learner’s skills and his / her competence with knowledge and methodology emerge. As for the teacher, according to this approach, he is directed and innovative for learning situations between what is theoretical and how to apply it and embody it in the information age. And the anchor of the constellation of thorny developments in the educational system through stages of reforms and developments in the quality and quality of education necessitated reconsideration and reflection on these reforms.
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