Organizational silence: according to a socio-organizational perspective
The sociology of organizations’ fields, had become a fertile field to study the phenomena, which had considered by a lots far from the socio-organizational studies, especially with the migration of the terms between the different human and social science fields, even the micro and biological sciences, to fall within the extended anthropology, which includes all the sciences, that interest to human, regardless the aspects that study them, in human, that considered as a common factor .Silence as a behaviour ,which is behaved by human, generally ,look at it according to the stratification bilateral (positive, negative),but in the sociology of organizations field , silence, clarifys negative organizational behaviour in a form of reactions , that express the absence of the active category’s, voice or the absence of the organizational profession. Silence, reflected in: covering information, ideas, suggestions and opinions, which related to the organization of work, according to the organizational hierarchy, which they occupy in the career ladder.
Consequently, organizational silence, had become as a cultural practice for the active category inside the organization of work. Many criterions have participated to form the culture of silence, which regarding by: the active category, the politicized categories, and organizational criterions. The trinity of criterions clarify the trinity of organizational silence’s dimensions which are: silence of obedience, defensive cognitive silence, The silence of social loyalty.
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