Totalitarianism philosophy from establishing rational judgment to a diversified destination
The development in the sciences and methods that contemporary society has known has made the traditional philosopher who possesses the absolute truth alone, a view that collapses from within, and is exposed to the factors of erosion, so it became imperative for philosophy, if it wanted to communicate with its era, to invent new mechanisms that express Its current understanding and awareness, and this is what made the new philosophies focus in their research on this new philosophical process, as they call for a philosophical, political, social, and epistemological openness.
N and put philosophy today accepts all ready-made templates such as idealism, materialism and spiritualism and believes that every philosophical history begins in Greece and ends in Western capitals with the exclusion of all other philosophies, including Arab philosophy, and this situation in which philosophy has come to live has its reasons and factors where it was Among the important and direct causes that led to the creation of this kind of arbitrary and closed situation, the so-called holistic, which will be the subject of our discussion in this paper, what is totality in philosophy and how did it contribute to the stagnation of philosophical thinking and its abbreviation in one form, total and absolute
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