The baccalaureate in Algerian society: representations and practices
This article presents the results of a field study aimed at identifying the representations of the baccalaureate in Algerian society and the practices formed around it through speeches of those who have recently lived its experience, based on the qualitative method of interviewing a group of twenty new students at the universities of Oran. Through it, we concluded that the baccalaureate is not only an academic event, but rather has a psychological and social symbolic significance, as a group of practices and discourses crystallize around it that highlight the importance of this event for the individual and the family. And that is through the material and moral investment they make in order to enhance the chances of success, as the certificate gives the opportunity to move to a new position, obtain value, recognition and open academic and professional future horizons. The importance of this exam is linked to the psychological and social gains that the certificate provides.
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