The problem-solving strategy and its role in developing the learner’s skills from the point of view of his teachers - a field study in one of the averages schools of the state of Sétif-

  • Lila ZARGANE University of Setif 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Problem solving strategy, skills, self-learning, scientific thinking


The current study came to reveal the extent of the contribution of the problem-solving strategy to the development of the learner’s skills, according to the opinion of his teachers, based on two hypotheses that - the problem-solving strategy contributes to the development of the learner’s thinking skills according to the opinion of his teachers - the problem-solving strategy contributes to the development of the learner’s self-learning skill from the learner’s point of view His teachers, the study came to a general conclusion that this strategy contributes greatly to the development of the learner’s thinking skills, as well as the skill of self-learning in a small way. The general hypothesis of the study. She recommended the need to strengthen it and train teachers more on it.


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How to Cite
ZARGANE, L. (2022). The problem-solving strategy and its role in developing the learner’s skills from the point of view of his teachers - a field study in one of the averages schools of the state of Sétif-. Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 519-540.