Innovation As a Support for The Electronic Marketing of The Enterprise's Products - Case Study -
This study aims to clarify the effect that innovation has on the various elements of the marketing mix of product, pricing, promotion and distribution to the institution's adoption of the e-marketing philosophy. To study and to obtain accurate results, the statistical analysis program has been relied upon by relying on iterations, percentages and arithmetic averages. This study concluded with a set of results, the most important of which is that there is a significant impact of marketing innovation on marketing the Foundation's products electronically, which helps them to upgrade their sales and maintain their market share.
The study found that the Cronbach alpha coefficient of the questionnaire as a whole was 0.750, while the arithmetic average of the innovation axis in the product was 3.62, which means that the institution focuses on creativity and innovation as a strategic entry point for the development of its products, while the arithmetic average ranged between 3.9 and 4.37 for the innovation axis in price, which indicates The institution is working on devising pricing methods commensurate with achieving its goals. The study recommended that the success of the institution depends on its ability to keep pace with change and the extent of its response to changes in the tastes and desires of the consumer.
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