The role of listening and follow-up cells in dealing with problems in the educational milieu A field study in secondary schools in the state of Djelfa

  • Abdelhakim BENBOUKHALLAT University of Algiers 2 (Algeria)
  • Noureddine ZAATAR University of Djelfa (Algeria)
Keywords: Cells of listening and follow-up, problems, school milieu


This research aims to introduce the new listening and follow-up committees in secondary schools to resolve disputes that occur in them. It also aims to identify many of the problems that occur in educational institutions. And the methods used by the listening and follow-up committees to resolve disputes. The results showed that the problems of tardiness and frequent absence are widespread on the side of school problems. As for the prevailing behavioral problems, it is the problem of disrespecting the school. As for the prevailing health conditions, they are ordinary diseases, chronic diseases and some disabilities, and these cases are frequent at the final level, and the cases that many deal with before listening and following up in the category of students who are not repeating the Sunnah. The methods used to resolve conflicts by the cell are the methods of listening and directing.


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How to Cite
BENBOUKHALLAT, A., & ZAATAR, N. (2022). The role of listening and follow-up cells in dealing with problems in the educational milieu A field study in secondary schools in the state of Djelfa. Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 740-753.